OET (Occupational English Test) is designed to meet the specific English language needs of the healthcare sector. It assesses the language proficiency of healthcare professionals who wish to practise in an English-speaking environment. All four language skills are assessed, with Writing and Speaking tests available in 12 different areas of healthcare. All candidates sit the same Reading and Listening tests.
OET is accepted as proof of English proficiency in the UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Dubai, Namibia and Singapore for registration in 12 healthcare professions.
OET is owned by Cambridge Boxhill Language Assessment Trust (CBLA). It is a venture between Cambridge English and Box Hill Institute.
İşimizə General English və IELTS hazırlığı ilə başlasaq da, indi xidmət sektorumuza SAT hazırlığı, korporativ ingilis dili dərsləri və “Xaricdə Təhsil” daxildir.
Veb saytların hazırlanması: Birsayt.az
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